Minkey In Hollywood with Best Bud Ellen:
Paramount Studios – Forever Cemetery – Grauman’s – Academy Awards Theater

Please note:  This is a much older post that is temporarily been moved to the top spot from Minkey’s old site at Blogspot.com.   Many, many more cool posts from there to come!

Minkey at Graumanns Theater - 2937472335_a70bbab070  Minkey at Capitol Records  Minkey with Pomegranite Liquor at the Kodak Theater - 2938322960_583e7b8548

Babylon Gates - Kodak Academy Awards Theater - 2937471801_04387ca18f    Paramount Studios #1 Main Gate - 2909748820_4e5fdb93c0Minkey at Hollywood Hills Sign    Duran Duran Star - 2938323594_dabb0ee6fd

Minkey Overlooking Vegas    Rudolf Valentino Tomb - 3012769086_eab9cd4649   hollywood and vine - 2908890615_4635f37a1a-


I got to go on another fantastic trip with my best bud, Ellen,  and my new friend Jeff.  And when these two go on a trip, they go on a trip!!!  I’m so lucky that they always invite me to tag along!

I felt especially honored on this trip, because before we got started, Ellen and Jeff got married! WhoooooooHooooooooo!! CONGRATULATIONS ELLEN AND JEFF!! You’ll see me posing on Ellen’s dress on the slideshow. 

They even took me to their fabulous room with a view at the Hilton on their wedding night. . WOW!! I felt sooooo special. But I also felt kinda naughty, being with them on their special night because I thought I was going to get some hot tips (and I really mean “hot” … ooo-Eeeee), but they zipped me up in Ellen’s bag so I didn’t get to see anything. DARN!! I was going to use my new-found knowledge teach my minkey chicas a few new tricks, but alas ……. it was not meant to be.

Before we left Vegas, we saw the famous “Gatsby” car and some cool motorcycles, and then it was off to Hollywood. YeeeeeHaaaaa!

First, they took me to a street called Durand Drive where a lot of famous people have lived. Then we went to see Capitol Records. I wanted to try to get a record contract there, but Jeff said I screeched like Yoko Ono and figured that wasn’t my calling, so we didn’t go inside. Sniff …..sniff….Waaaaaaaa!

Then we went to the famous Griffith Park and they took my pic in front of the Hollywood sign, which was cool. That’s one of the most humongous parks that exists. People horse-back ride there, swim, bicycle, go to a building where they can look at the moon, etc.

Next, they drove me up in the hills to get behind the Hollywood sign, and we almost all got arrested!! We were messin around up there, and a policeman came up and asked what we were doing. I got in the back seat and started bawling, because his fussing at us really scared me. I was afraid I was going to be the first Minkey to go to Sing-Sing!

Next, we went to a very chi-chi shopping area and saw some of the famous stores there, and then on to the Kodak Threatre. That’s where they have a Academy Awards every year, and it’s an incredible looking place. I had my pic taken on the famous red carpet and in front of the Babylon Gates, which made me look like I was in Egypt! We saw Jimmy Kimmel’s live set there too, and also Heros. Those movie stars sure get a lot of special treatment. I want to be one, too.

They showed me Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Building, but I was scared to go in there. Too much weird stuff AND a giant Dinosaur on the roof. No thank you. I went and had a cool drink instead.

I was REALLY impressed with where we went next …. to Graumann’s Chinese Theatre, where stars from all time (like Clark Gable and Marily Monroe) have gone to get their feet and hand prints in squares, and then they sign their name, too. I got to put my minkey feet into some mighty big and famous shoes and play like I was them! There’s some pics on my slideshow of that and everthing else I talk about on this post, so don’t forget to check that out by clicking on the title of this post.

Then we saw the Hollywood Wax Museum and we didn’t go in it either, because it had a humongous KING KONG at the entrance with HUGE teeth, and even though he might be my cousin, I stayed clear of him.

After that, we went to Paramount Studios and Forever Hollywood Cemetery of the stars. I don’t know why they took me to see a bunch of dead people. They’re really boring. They just lay there and do nothing. I wanted to climb some of the big trees there and play in a little pond there, but Ellen said it was disrespectful and gave me a rosary to wear instead. We saw Bugsy Seagel’s grave where legend has it that if you leave some money there, you’ll win next time you gamble. I left a penny.

Paramount owns some of the land the graves are on, so I’ve heard some of the ghosties of the stars get up and try to go to work again in there. Ooooooooo ….. They’ve scared the heebie-jeebies out of plenty of guards!! Cecil B. deMille even walks through the gates sometimes. I don’t know how he thinks he’s going to direct a picture …. no one can see or hear him most of the time.

The last place we went in Hollywood was the Walk of Stars, and I had my picture taken on so many of the stars, Minkey Mama had too many to put in my post.  Cool stuff!

 Gotta run now. Minkey Mama is making me take a bath and go to bed so I won’t be all grumpy tomorrow.
The Minkster



About Admin-1

Hey there!, I'm Sharon, better known as "Minkey Mama" and I'm the human behind the scenes of the jet-setting, international traveller aka as Minkey, "the Mink" and "the Minkster". I work for Minkey, and he exploits me for my contacts, my labor, and my money, so he can live the incredible life he has! I hope to some day travel the world to as many amazing countries as The Mink has. I am married with one dog and 2 cats, and a son, Michael (who thinks his mother is crazy for spending so much time ..... and enjoying it .... on a little red monkey). I have many other passions such as marketing online, crazy about animals, landscape design, interior design, photography, handwriting analysis and travelling the world (but only 7 countries so far). I've been working at home for 2 years now and loving it, and if you'd like to do the same, connect with me on my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sharon.langston.739 Hope you continue to enjoy and comment on Minkey's Blog!
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