Minkey Takes Dream Trip to Southern China Qujing – Yunnan Province with Pal, Ed

  WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT MISS THE SLIDESHOW ON THIS POST! YOU’LL SEE THINGS YOU CAN’T EVEN IMAGINE. JUST CHECK IT OUT BELOW THIS POST.  (To see the show clearly without writing over it, just click off to the right side when you schroll).

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Here’s a place where you can get some fun products with photos of Minkey in China:
T-shirts, mugs and other unusual gifts from Minkey’s very own shop.


 The Mink has been to a lot of places, but never in a million years would he have imagined he would get to go to China! 

The city he went to was called Qujing (about 580,000 people) located in the Yunnan Province of south China bordering Vietnam, Laos, and Burma. Apparently, there are 25 different ethnic minorities in the Yunnan Province, making it the most culturally diverse province in China. Wow! 

Anyway, he went with one of the managers at Minkey Mama’s workplace, Ed Condron. Apparently, the Minkster was in rare form before he even left for the airport. 

Ed was trying to relax … just having a beer … but Minkey was really wound up. He was all over the place, chattering and fussing about when were they going to leave. Ed told him he’d better behave and shut his skinny little ass up or he’d be riding in the belly of the plane with the other animals.

That finally calmed him down so Ed could have his beer in peace.


Hey! It’s the Mink! I asked Ed not to rat me out, but he did it anyway. But I’m glad I didn’t have to ride in the smelly animal compartment, because we traveled in style on this trip. Yep … First Class! Whoooo Hooooo!

Minkey felt special because of the comfy seats and special foods, and the flight attendant even wanted to hold me. YES. I always love that.

Ed was visiting his sister, Lynn. Soon as we got off the plane, Minkey used the credit card he “borrowed” (hehe) from Minkey Mama to get some fun $$$. And a LOT of it. 

Then we went to Lynn’s house to get settled, and I got to meet her cat, Coon. That was a sweet kitty, cos he let Minkey sit all over him like he was a couch! A nice, furry, plump one! heh heh.

Next, we went to Lynn’s office so I could meet the young Chinese girls she works with. They were really sweet to me. Posed with me, held me, and all that. Awwwww. 

I got to go sight-seeing with Ed the next day on a little red Moped. Yipeeeee! Fun!  We went to see the People’s Park in Qujing, and saw all kinds of amazing things. There was a really cool sculpture of a dragon and a huge peacock done in all flowers.

And the Minkster also saw (and sat on) the HUGEST bottle of hooch he’s EVER seen. And he’s seen some big ones! I wanted to drink it, but Ed wouldn’t let me. Heartless meanie!

I also got to meet a lot of the beautiful Chinese people, including some girls and ladies dressed in their native clothing. They were hostesses there, and most of them held the Mink, which he of course adored!

I especially loved the little children, cos they’re closer to the Mink’s size. They liked to hold me, and one of them got upset when it was time to let me go. Awwwww. Sweet. 

There were two ladies though, that weren’t too nice. They didn’t want to be in a picture with Ed and the Mink, and they looked really mean when we took their pic anyway. lol   I wanted to be mean back, but Ed wouldn’t let me.

Then he met a baby elephant in that same park. That would have been fun, except that little ele-font was just a little too interested in the Mink and tried to suck him up in his trunk!! YIKES! I screamed and grabbed onto Ed’s neck! People were standing around laughing, but it WASN’T FUNNY!! 

There was a palace there, too, but no one seemed to know it’s name or history. You can see it in the slideshow. It’s solid white and really beautiful and ornate.

We also went to a building in the park that had some really big baskets that the Chinese people put on their backs and use to transport stuff they buy, and we saw the way they sell herbs and food and stuff. 

There were some big skinned animals, and the Minkster screamed cos I thought one might be a giant minkey. It had a big ole hairy tail that made me get all woozy and sick. Yeck!

Then Ed made me pose with a GI-NORMOUS bottle of snakes, and I almost fainted. Why the Chinese use those scary things for medicine is a puzzle to me, cos they’re the same evil demons that will kill you in a New York second! YIKES!!! I couldn’t get away from them fast enough.

At one of the shops at the square, I got to hang on a rope with a bunch of other monkeys. hehe It was fun, cos Ed couldn’t find me in there when it was time to leave. He said I was “camoflauged” whatever the heck that means. 

There was a lady’s clothes shop too, and Ed took me in and bought me some hats!! Yipee Ki-Yea — I love it when my travel peeps buy me stuff. FUN TIMES. I’m gonna get my pic taken in them and ask my mama to put them on the blog.

Minkey started feeling kinda bad, so Ed had to take me to the eyes, ears and throat doctor. You can see the doctor looking into my ears in the slideshow. And of course, I had to play with all the equipment in the office.

They advertised the doctor’s office using a little yellow cart with a picture of a mouth and ear and stuff on it. Minkey cracked up when he saw that. What tha? It was a real hoot!

We also got a massage, and I just laid on Ed’s back. He fussed to Minkey Mama that he had a “monkey on his back” the whole time. BLAH! You know you love me, Ed. 

Before we got ready to go, we went to a Chinese McDonald’s. Not quite the same food as home! They had to tell us what everything was.

Then Ed took me to an outdoor ‘latrine’ (a potty with no door so the whole world can see you do your stuff. NOT good. Ed took my picture in a pretty green plant that everyone at work dropped their jaws at …. it was MARAJUANA!!

Nooooo!! Ed, you’re gonna get the Mink arrested!  Now the Minkey doesn’t just drink and gamble and stuff … he’s a felon!

We went back home and packed to leave after that. Minkey saw so many things that he would never have imagined existed! It was an incredible trip!!

Gotta sign off for my next trip …. Be good everyone, and no promises, but the Mink will try hard to do the same.

xxooo Minkey

Come visit me too, at Minkey Langston, Facebook.com so you can talk to me.  I’m on Twitter also as TravelMinkey.   

November 28, 2010    _________________________________________________________


About Admin-1

Hey there!, I'm Sharon, better known as "Minkey Mama" and I'm the human behind the scenes of the jet-setting, international traveller aka as Minkey, "the Mink" and "the Minkster". I work for Minkey, and he exploits me for my contacts, my labor, and my money, so he can live the incredible life he has! I hope to some day travel the world to as many amazing countries as The Mink has. I am married with one dog and 2 cats, and a son, Michael (who thinks his mother is crazy for spending so much time ..... and enjoying it .... on a little red monkey). I have many other passions such as marketing online, crazy about animals, landscape design, interior design, photography, handwriting analysis and travelling the world (but only 7 countries so far). I've been working at home for 2 years now and loving it, and if you'd like to do the same, connect with me on my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sharon.langston.739 Hope you continue to enjoy and comment on Minkey's Blog!
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