Hoover Dam – Minkey’s Life in Danger!

About Admin-1

Hey there!, I'm Sharon, better known as "Minkey Mama" and I'm the human behind the scenes of the jet-setting, international traveller aka as Minkey, "the Mink" and "the Minkster". I work for Minkey, and he exploits me for my contacts, my labor, and my money, so he can live the incredible life he has! I hope to some day travel the world to as many amazing countries as The Mink has. I am married with one dog and 2 cats, and a son, Michael (who thinks his mother is crazy for spending so much time ..... and enjoying it .... on a little red monkey). I have many other passions such as marketing online, crazy about animals, landscape design, interior design, photography, handwriting analysis and travelling the world (but only 7 countries so far). I've been working at home for 2 years now and loving it, and if you'd like to do the same, connect with me on my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sharon.langston.739 Hope you continue to enjoy and comment on Minkey's Blog!
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