Minkey Attends An American Indian Pow Wow
At Trader’s Village In Grand Prairie, Texas

We loved these two!  They were so elegant, and the guy who was shaking Minkey’s hand was very dignified and respectful.  They both made you feel it was an honor to talk to them.   Very proud to have the American Indian as our country’s  number one heritage! 

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This last summer, Minkey Mama and some friends and family went to an Indian Pow Wow in Grand Prairie, Texas.  The Minkster LOVED it.   Minkey Mama fixed him a little feather head dress so he could be like the other Indian men.  Mine was dinky and kind of a wussy head dress compared to theirs, but Minkey Mama said we were honoring them by having me wear it.   The couple in the picture above, where the Indian brave is shaking my hand thought it was great.

 Minkey had to make a fool of himself  when we first came in by raising his hand to one of the  braves and saying “How”.  But they didn’t seem very amused.    He thought they might scalp him like you see in the movies and make some sort of craft or head dress using the Minkster’s beautiful flowing red mane.  YIKES!!!  

We didn’t get to talk to too many of them, but there were lots of cool Indian crafts you could buy like dream catchers and beautiful beaded things … and some things you could watch them make.  Then there were also some authentic tee-pees as well as native food like  Indian flatbread, etc.    My mama bought a gorgeous red, black and white feathered dream catcher that matches her red car.  She loves it.

Here’s me in front of a tee pee, a “fancy dancer”, and a shawl an Indian lady was selling:

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Back to the tee pees, Minkey would be scared to sleep in one of those.   Too many creepy crawlers might find their way in, and then Minkey would shriek and cause everyone to think all his Indian friends were all on the war path.   YIKES!!!  

Indians can be pretty fearsome looking with their beautiful high cheekbones, painted faces on their brown skin and straight noses.  They are born gangstas!   LOL    One of them looked at Minkey real serious like when he was doing his Indian singing and dancing, and Minkey started whimpering and sniffling.

When we were about to go, we found a horse I could sit on , and I had my picture made and everything on it, but I though it must have been the kind of animal  people call an ASS because it was stubborn and wouldn’t move one inch so I could see what it was like to horse back ride.   BLAH…..   It just stood there like a dummy … not breathing or anything.   Minkey even kicked it on the sides like in the movies and still ….. nothing.   Why they put me on a dead horse is beyond me.

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There’s a video below where you can see some Indian dancing.  It is just SOOOOO cool!   There’s all sorts of dances, like pow wow dances, grass dances, men’s fancy dances, ladies shawl dances, etc.  Anyway, there’s a bit at the end of the show where the pale face people and miscellaneous critters like little red minkeys can go out and dance with them. 

It even FEELS cool when you do that dance.   Everyone was staring and laughing at the Mink because he kept singing like them …. “Eh Ah ah ah ….Aye ah ah ah”.   Guess he lost control of himself in the excitement of the drums and dancing and all the colors.   Here’s the video so you can see what I’m talking about:

Hate to say this, but most Indian guys as opposed to girls look amazing  in their gorgeous native clothing.   All the feathers and beading, and much more colorful than the women.    There were some pretty women, too, with some beautiful outfits,  but maybe because of the difference in the clothing,  it’s just like peacocks, lions, etc. in the wild kingdom.   The men usually look the best.    MEN RULE!!!   Heeeeeeeeee Heeeeee!    Hey, don’t blame the Minkster.   I didn’t create drab female peacocks or hens or lions or any of those creatures where the men are ‘dressed’ prettier.    Minkey Mama started getting mad at me and  told me to shut my pie hole and that I was being a male chauvenist pig or monkey or WHATever.

ANYway, that’s all I’m gonna say about that.    I gotta go and get some rest tonite since my mama said I was wound up tighter than a coiled rattlesnake and would be all crabby tomorrow if I didn’t sleep.

So I’ll see you peeps later.   Be sure and watch the slideshow so you can see what it’s like to go to a pow wow.  They have them all over the US and Canada, so if you live on this continent or you’re visiting sometime soon, be sure to go see one if you can.  You’ll like it a lot  …. promise!!

Later gaters,


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About Admin-1

Hey there!, I'm Sharon, better known as "Minkey Mama" and I'm the human behind the scenes of the jet-setting, international traveller aka as Minkey, "the Mink" and "the Minkster". I work for Minkey, and he exploits me for my contacts, my labor, and my money, so he can live the incredible life he has! I hope to some day travel the world to as many amazing countries as The Mink has. I am married with one dog and 2 cats, and a son, Michael (who thinks his mother is crazy for spending so much time ..... and enjoying it .... on a little red monkey). I have many other passions such as marketing online, crazy about animals, landscape design, interior design, photography, handwriting analysis and travelling the world (but only 7 countries so far). I've been working at home for 2 years now and loving it, and if you'd like to do the same, connect with me on my Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/sharon.langston.739 Hope you continue to enjoy and comment on Minkey's Blog!
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