Vietnam and Cambodia: Minkey Goes On Another
Exotic Trip With His Buddy Ed & Sis

large pic of Vietnamese-Cambodian Village



Unbelievable but true ….. the Minkster went on another incredible trip with one of his best travel peeps in the world,  Ed Condron  …. to Vietnam and Cambodia!    Who would have imagined?  And I got to see his sister again, too, so that was really nice.  She’s a very educated lady and well respected in China as she’s a Professor at a University there, so Minkey’s a little scared of her.   She doesn’t understand when I squeal and sing like Yoko Ono and stuff like that.

Minkey LOVED the villages in Vietnam and Cambodia with all the palm trees and straw on the houses, etc.   I felt right at home there as you can see by all the pix above and in the slideshow of me in the palms and fields of wildflowers there .

Ed did get a little carried away flinging me into the fields,  though.  lol    But the one thing he did that caused me to squeal on him,  was when he put me on this God awful, terrifying and disgusting pig’s head!   Minkey went into shock and cried all night.   I should have put worms in his boxers for that.   MEANY!!

Ed is one of the most amazing people to travel with.   He’s very informed and very adventurous, so he’s the perfect travel mate for the Mink.   He immerses himself in the culture of the people and always manages for us to mingle with the natives of any place we visit.  And always with the children, too.  The Minkster has more fun with him than, well, (scuse this horrible phrase) ….. a barrel of Monkeys!!    Heeeeeee Heeeeeeee!

The only thing the Mink didn’t do there that he wanted to was to ride in one of those “rick-sha” thingies.  He wanted to sit there in comfort with someone else worked like a dog pulling him around like royalty.   Minkey Mama said that was a shameful attitude.

I’ve actually gone on a second trip to China wth him since this trip to Vietnam and Cambodia.  It was that WAY cool place where the thousands and thousands of clay soldiers, horses and chariots guard the tomb of one of China’s Emperors.  What he thought those clay men could do to hurt anyone trying to rob his tomb is beyond Minkey’s little pea brain.  They were awesome though, and one day in the not to distant future, there should be a post on that trip.

Well, guys, the Minkster is off to Belize with another office friend, Tina Harrison.  Check y’all later on that trip!

xxxxoooooo Minkey

Here’s a way you may be able to house sit and even be paid for it next time you travel (worldwide resource):       Click here to check it out.   It’s  fun just to look around!




About Admin-1

Hey there!, I'm Sharon, better known as "Minkey Mama" and I'm the human behind the scenes of the jet-setting, international traveller aka as Minkey, "the Mink" and "the Minkster". I work for Minkey, and he exploits me for my contacts, my labor, and my money, so he can live the incredible life he has! I hope to some day travel the world to as many amazing countries as The Mink has. I am married with one dog and 2 cats, and a son, Michael (who thinks his mother is crazy for spending so much time ..... and enjoying it .... on a little red monkey). I have many other passions such as marketing online, crazy about animals, landscape design, interior design, photography, handwriting analysis and travelling the world (but only 7 countries so far). I've been working at home for 2 years now and loving it, and if you'd like to do the same, connect with me on my Facebook Page: Hope you continue to enjoy and comment on Minkey's Blog!
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One Response to Vietnam and Cambodia: Minkey Goes On Another
Exotic Trip With His Buddy Ed & Sis

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